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Magic Moments
29 octobre 2010

Christmas alphabet - " Q "

Christmas alphabet - " Q "
LETTERA "Q" come Quiete di Natale LETTRE "Q comme Calm de Noel en Italien LETTER "Q" as the Calm of Christmas in Italian Title: LETTERA "Q" come QUIETE DI NATALE Author: Eze Grid Size: 35W x 35H Design Area: 5,81 cm x 4,17 cm (32 x 23 stitches) Legend:...
28 octobre 2010

Christmas alphabet - " P "

Christmas alphabet - " P "
LETTERA "P" come PRESEPE LETTRE "P" comMe CRECHE en Italien LETTER "P" as CRECHE in Italian Title: LETTERA "P" come PRESEPE Author: Eze Grid Size: 35W x 35H Design Area: 4,90 cm x 4,17 cm (27 x 23 stitches) Legend: Stitches ~ DMC 676 old gold - lt Ö DMC...
27 octobre 2010

Christmas alphabet - " K "

Christmas alphabet - " K "
LETTERA "K" come kings , cioè i Re Magi del Natale, Gaspare, Melchiorre e Baldassarre LETTER "K" as the KINGS of the Nativity , Caspar, melchior and Balthasar LETTRE "K" comme les Kings , les Rois Mages de noel, Gaspard, Melchior et Balthazar Title: LETTERA...
27 octobre 2010

Christmas alphabet - " M "

Christmas alphabet - " M "
Title: LETTERA "M" come Magia del Natale Title: LETTERA "M" come Magia del Natale Author: Eze Grid Size: 35W x 35H Design Area: 5,44 cm x 4,17 cm (30 x 23 stitches) Legend: Stitches " DMC White white ( DMC 444 lemon - dk 2 DMC 701 christmas green - lt...
23 octobre 2010

Christmas alphabet - " H "

Christmas alphabet - " H "
LETTERA "H" . In Italiano non abbiamo parole che iniziano con questa lettera , mi sembra quindi l'unica soluzione usare diversi termini in altre lingue appropriati per il Natale come Felice in Francese e in Inglese come pure Holly, Agrifoglio. LETTRE...
22 octobre 2010

Christmas alphabet - " J "

Christmas alphabet - " J "
LETTERA "J" COME JINGLE BELLES Title: LETTERA "J" come JINGLE-BELLS Author: Eze Grid Size: 50W x 50H Design Area: 4,90 cm x 5,26 cm (27 x 29 stitches) Legend: Stitches " DMC White white ( DMC 444 lemon - dk / DMC 701 christmas green - lt $ DMC 168 pewter...
21 octobre 2010

Christmas alphabet - " G "

Christmas alphabet - " G "
LETTERA "G" come Ghirlanda di Natale LETTRE "G" comme Guirlande de Noel LETTER "G" as Christmas Garland Title: LETTERA "G" come Ghirlanda Author: EZE Grid Size: 37W x 32H Design Area: 6,17 cm x 4,72 cm (34 x 26 stitches) Legend: Stitches 1 DMC 701 christmas...
20 octobre 2010

Christmas alphabet - " F "

Christmas alphabet - " F "
La Lettera "F" come la Fiaba di Natale La Lettre "F" , comme le Conte de Fée de Noel en Italien Letter "F" as the Christmas Fairy tale in Italian Title: LETTERA "F" come FIABA DI NATALE Author: eze Grid Size: 35W x 35H Design Area: 5,08 cm x 4,35 cm (28...
18 octobre 2010

Gingerbread man - Freebie

Gingerbread man - Freebie
Title: Country Gingerbread man Author: eze Grid Size: 35W x 40H Design Area: 4,54 cm x 4,90 cm (25 x 27 stitches) Legend: Stitches ! DMC 310 black " DMC White white # DMC 738 tan - vy lt * DMC 701 christmas green - lt $ DMC 703 chartreuse ( DMC 436 tan...
15 octobre 2010

Christmas alphabet - " I "

Christmas alphabet - " I "
Ecco la LETTERA " I" come INVERNO in Italiano Voilà la Lettre "I" come Hiver en Italien Here is the Letter "I" as Winter in Italian Title: LETTERA "I" come INVERNO Author: Eze Grid Size: 27W x 28H Design Area: 3,45 cm x 3,99 cm (19 x 22 stitches) Legend:...
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